Supply-point Case Selection

Supply-point Case Selection


Enable supervisor type of users to select any child supply-point to view and edit ledgers, or auto-select user own supply-point.


First, you need to use the Advanced Module type. When creating your module, choose "New Advance Module"

  • Your module settings > Case Management tab > Use the case type "supply-point"

  • Your module settings > Product List tab > add the ledgers you want to display with the property "ledger:you_section_id"

  • In your forms settings page > Case Management:

    • Click on "Add Action" 

    • Select "Load / Update / Close a case"

    • In the "Select case type" drop down, select "supply-point"

    • In the "Case list" drop down, select your module

    • On the bottom of the page click on "Display the Product Stock for this Supply Point after it is selected"

Now when a user go to the module case list, all the supply-point at his level and underneath will be displayed.

The user can therefore select a supply-point and access to a form to edit the ledgers of that supply-point, by using this expression for a case id: instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id_case_supply-point

Let's consider this organization hierarchy. The supervisor is connected to the organization supply_cp while 2 field workers are connected to supply_rc and supply_rc1:










When connected to the application the supervisor, the case list will display all the relevant supply points.

Here the supervisor own supply point and the 2 field workers underneath him.